Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Story Spinner
I remember asking, "why am i in this vestibule"??? He answered, "because i wanted to bring you here". I had just been kidnapped by a man who went by the name of Theodore. Theodore was a very mean fat man. I had just had my first encounter with him mostly because i had only see him form far away but everyone was warned to stay away from him and to not upset him. Here's what happened i was walking down the street when all of a sudden a car comes out of no where and cheese fries fly every where. He yelled "you darn pedestrian," and kept on driving. I didn't think anything of it because it wasn't my fault. After all he was the one who didn't have his headlights on. Anyway here i am stuck in this vestibule and i say "why do you have me in here"? He replied to me in a very ru
de way, which isn't nice at all by the way. He said "because, you are the one to blame for my cheese fries flying everywhere that night you made me almost run you over." "That was not my fault, you were the one without any headlights, Mr. Cheesy Fries," I replied. "No i ain't you little girl your the one walking in the middle of the night, i mean really who walks?" "Well people who don't have cars and people who try to stay fit Tubby," and i patted his belly, "Now you go on and let me out of here this vestibule is more uncomfortable than having to sit on a belt buckle,"and he helped me out, "and quit being so stubborn it was your fault your cheese fries went flying. Your supposed to watch out for pedestrians that's what headlights are for at night to help you see. Geez man when will you learn?" Then he just hung his head and said "well gee im sorry i guess i need to learn to use my headlights better but its just a lot of work having to lean over and turn the dial, well i'm really sorry 'bout putting you in that vestibule." "It's okay," i said, "I'll see ya around." "Okay then well i'm just gonna go get me some cheese fries, bye."

Friday, May 1, 2009
Swine Flu!! Eeeep!!
Well i think Swine Flu is some thing horrible that is goin on right now and hopefully the doctors find some kind of cure for it. With all the people infected and the way that you catch it which can be by just breathing the same air as someone who has it. And even then u dont know you have until you've already had it for a whole day and think about how many people you could infect in just one day! I mean really its something that if you think about people probably just want to stay inside their own house for saftey but they cant because they have to work to support their families.
Its just something that makes you wish it would be over soon. Hopefully it will so no more people have to die or suffer with this flu. :/
Its just something that makes you wish it would be over soon. Hopefully it will so no more people have to die or suffer with this flu. :/
Friday, April 17, 2009
Teacher Post
Well I have three teachers that encouraged me and believed in me. They are Mrs. Taylor in 1st grade, Mrs. Long in the 3rd grade and Mrs. Hughes in 5th grade. Since the first day i stepped foot into their classrooms they were never anything but nice, caring, encouraging, and great. They were the kind of teachers that would help you until you got something you were working on and having trouble with it right. They were the greatest teachers i know of i love them so much and miss them and to this day i still admire them because they never gave up on me which made me believe in myself and i thank them so much for that even when i still didnt know english that well.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Okay im bored and listening to Katy Perry's Hot n cold song. The song is bringing memories to my mind and before you think im being cheesy because what im gonna say is pretty cheesy but thats me im a very sentimental person who can only express it when i write. So here goes, well in my DC Government Class i have the wildest craziest people in there and there was a day when they all just went off and started dancing and it was so funny and crazy we just all let go and the people were dancing to this same song Hot n Cold. Yea the point is im really gonna miss everyone no matter how much some of us hate each other yall know yall are still gonna miss that person. But i truly will miss all of yall i dont know whose all gonna see this but just know all of my peers will always be in my heart even if i really didnt even talk to half of them but just seeing them the way they are was so much fun.
i love you guys
Maritza Class '09
i love you guys
Maritza Class '09
Friday, March 13, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Salem Witch Trials
Dear Church and Community,
You all have known me since i was a baby i have attended church every Sunday and Wednesday since i can remember. People here look up to me because i am a good christian and love God. I would never call upon the Devil or any spirits. I wish for you to believe me i would never harm anyone because you all are like a family. Please reconsider your thoughts about me being a witch. I love God.
God Bless,
Maritza Huerta
You all have known me since i was a baby i have attended church every Sunday and Wednesday since i can remember. People here look up to me because i am a good christian and love God. I would never call upon the Devil or any spirits. I wish for you to believe me i would never harm anyone because you all are like a family. Please reconsider your thoughts about me being a witch. I love God.
God Bless,
Maritza Huerta
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Seniors, yup that's what we are,
Seniors, most of us have cars,
Seniors, we like to have fun, and some like to run,
Seniors, we got a lot going on, especially our friends and the malls,
Seniors, yea we're lazy sometimes, but that doesn't keep us from acting crazy ALL the time,
Seniors, our friends can count on us, even though we have a lot of problems plus 1,
Seniors, when we have drama we don't save it for our mamas
Seniors, we help each other out, to keep from freaking out,
Seniors, our friends and family are our lives, mess with them and you better make sure your not around any knives,
Seniors, we've had many friends, and some that didn't make it to our high school end,
Yea im a senior, with no car, i like to have fun and run, i have a lot going on, yea i can be lazy and crazy, i have lots of problems plus 1, when i have drama i do go to my mama, yea my friends help me out so i won't freak out, my family and friends are my life, i have had friends that didn't make it to my high school end, but all in all a senior is what i am.
Seniors, most of us have cars,
Seniors, we like to have fun, and some like to run,
Seniors, we got a lot going on, especially our friends and the malls,
Seniors, yea we're lazy sometimes, but that doesn't keep us from acting crazy ALL the time,
Seniors, our friends can count on us, even though we have a lot of problems plus 1,
Seniors, when we have drama we don't save it for our mamas
Seniors, we help each other out, to keep from freaking out,
Seniors, our friends and family are our lives, mess with them and you better make sure your not around any knives,
Seniors, we've had many friends, and some that didn't make it to our high school end,
Yea im a senior, with no car, i like to have fun and run, i have a lot going on, yea i can be lazy and crazy, i have lots of problems plus 1, when i have drama i do go to my mama, yea my friends help me out so i won't freak out, my family and friends are my life, i have had friends that didn't make it to my high school end, but all in all a senior is what i am.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
10 Reasons i like Spring!
1. It's warmer outside.
2. More flowers.
3. No more jackets.
4. Don't have to worry about getting sick.
5. School is almost over.
6. Don't have to come to school until after school.
7. Everybody is so bubbly.
8. Schools almost out.
10. Graduation this year.
2. More flowers.
3. No more jackets.
4. Don't have to worry about getting sick.
5. School is almost over.
6. Don't have to come to school until after school.
7. Everybody is so bubbly.
8. Schools almost out.
10. Graduation this year.
Monday, February 2, 2009
18 Reasons I am Thankful for my Parents
I am thankful for my parents because:
1. They work hard to support me.
2. They have taught me respect.
3. They clothe me
4. Changed my diapers
5. Feed me
6. They motivate me
7. They put up with all my mistakes
8. They gave me hugs and compliments
9. My mother gave birth to me
10. They taught me to walk
11. They taught me to speak
12. Gets me gifts even when i don't deserve them.
13. Bought my Twilight series books
14. They take care of me when I'm sick
15. Keeps me on task
16. Gets me in trouble when i need it
17. They give me LOVE
18.Lastly they would give their lives for me and my sisters like i would for my whole family
5 Reasons I'm Grateful for My Daughter:
1. She's hardworking
2. She's a great daughter
3. She's very loving
4. She's a great person all in all
5. Lastly she would give her own happiness and life for her family.
1. They work hard to support me.
2. They have taught me respect.
3. They clothe me
4. Changed my diapers
5. Feed me
6. They motivate me
7. They put up with all my mistakes
8. They gave me hugs and compliments
9. My mother gave birth to me
10. They taught me to walk
11. They taught me to speak
12. Gets me gifts even when i don't deserve them.
13. Bought my Twilight series books
14. They take care of me when I'm sick
15. Keeps me on task
16. Gets me in trouble when i need it
17. They give me LOVE
18.Lastly they would give their lives for me and my sisters like i would for my whole family
5 Reasons I'm Grateful for My Daughter:
1. She's hardworking
2. She's a great daughter
3. She's very loving
4. She's a great person all in all
5. Lastly she would give her own happiness and life for her family.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Human Interst Story
Miracle Baby Born Twice!!
When Chad and Keri McCartney say their infant daughter, Macie Hope, is born again, they aren’t referring to religion — the month-old miracle baby really was born twice.
The first “birth” was about six months into Keri McCartney’s pregnancy, when surgeons at Texas Children’s Hospital took the tiny fetus from Keri’s womb to remove a tumor that would have killed Macie before she was born.
The second time was on May 3, when the McCartneys welcomed their surgically repaired — and perfectly healthy — baby girl into the world.
The happy couple talked exclusively to TODAY’s Ann Curry on Friday from the hospital, where they were joined by Dr. Darrell Cass, the fetal surgeon who led the team that performed a surgery that has been successfully completed fewer than 20 times around the world. In Macie’s case, he said, “We were very, very fortunate. It really turned out perfectly.”
The McCartneys’ story began in Keri’s 23rd week of pregnancy, when the couple took their entire family to their obstetrician’s office to discover the sex of the baby Keri was carrying.
“We had our whole family,” Chad McCartney told Curry. “Our four kids had piled into the van, and we headed to our routine ultrasound to find out what the sex of the baby was going to be. That was the big discussion on the way up, so there was lots of excitement.”
A deadly revelation
Everyone went into the ultrasound room, eager to see the image of the fetus displayed on the screen. “All of a sudden the ultrasound tech had a very concerned look on her face,” Chad said. “She rushed our kids out of the room and then informed us there was a large mass on our baby.”
The ultrasound image showed what looked like a balloon growing out of Macie’s tailbone — except that it was full of blood vessels and was as big as the fetus itself. The tumor was noncancerous ... but still deadly.
“This tumor was gigantic,” Cass said. “It was the size of a grapefruit.”
The McCartneys’ obstetrician had never seen such a tumor in all her years of practice. After some research, she discovered that Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston — six hours away from the family’s Laredo home — was one of only three hospitals in the world that specialized in such conditions.

“This is incredibly rare. It’s about one in 40,000 births,” Cass said. “Many times, these tumors
Baby Macie’s ultrasound showed the tumor.
can grow and remain small and they don’t really affect the fetus very significantly. In Macie’s instance, this tumor grew incredibly rapidly … and basically it was stealing the blood that her body needed to grow. She would have died if nothing had been done.”
A fitting name
Keri and Chad went home with the desperate prognosis and decided they needed to name their infant right then.
“We both made a decision that we have a name for her, because we had been told that there was less than a 10 percent chance that she was going to make it,” Chad McCartney said, fighting back tears as he told the story. “We wanted to pick a name that would be appropriate, so we named her Macie Hope — because that was all we felt we had.”
They went to Houston for the surgery, which Cass described, with a surgeon’s understatement, as “tricky.”
“It required that Mrs. McCartney went under a very, very deep anesthesia, about seven times deeper than the average operation,” he said. “That’s necessary in order to have the uterus very, very relaxed.”
He and two other surgeons opened Keri’s abdomen and brought her uterus entirely outside her body. “We had to find an area of the uterus that we could open safely so that we didn’t disturb the placenta,” he explained.
When they found such a place, they opened the relaxed womb and extracted about 80 percent of Macie Hope’s body — which weighed no more than a quarter of a pound — leaving just the head and upper body in the womb. Exposing the fetus to the air carried the danger that she would go into cardiac arrest, and the surgeons worked quickly to remove the tumor and return Macie to the safety of the womb.
That part of the four-hour procedure took about 20 minutes. The surgeons then had to carefully close up the uterus so that it would be watertight, to keep the amniotic fluid from leaking out.
“Then we had to hope that the pregnancy was going to last,” Cass added.
Born again
That hope was also answered. Macie Hope didn’t make it the entire nine months, but, Cass said, “The pregnancy lasted another 10 weeks, which allowed Macie to recover from this tumor that had been killing her.”
On May 3, Macie Hope was born again, this time to stay. She and her mother have remained at Texas Medical Center since as they both fully recover from the miracle surgery. Macie still has a large scar on her backside, which surgeons say can be repaired when she gets older.
Keri and Chad McCartney were expecting to take their miracle baby home on Saturday, and they couldn’t have been happier.
“We are doing great,” Keri McCartney told Curry. “I am so excited to think that we’re leaving tomorrow.”
She cradled Macie Hope in her arms. The infant, sporting a thick head of hair, slept through it all, prompting her mother to say, “Obviously she is completely at peace and content with it all.”
When Chad and Keri McCartney say their infant daughter, Macie Hope, is born again, they aren’t referring to religion — the month-old miracle baby really was born twice.
The first “birth” was about six months into Keri McCartney’s pregnancy, when surgeons at Texas Children’s Hospital took the tiny fetus from Keri’s womb to remove a tumor that would have killed Macie before she was born.
The second time was on May 3, when the McCartneys welcomed their surgically repaired — and perfectly healthy — baby girl into the world.
The happy couple talked exclusively to TODAY’s Ann Curry on Friday from the hospital, where they were joined by Dr. Darrell Cass, the fetal surgeon who led the team that performed a surgery that has been successfully completed fewer than 20 times around the world. In Macie’s case, he said, “We were very, very fortunate. It really turned out perfectly.”
The McCartneys’ story began in Keri’s 23rd week of pregnancy, when the couple took their entire family to their obstetrician’s office to discover the sex of the baby Keri was carrying.
“We had our whole family,” Chad McCartney told Curry. “Our four kids had piled into the van, and we headed to our routine ultrasound to find out what the sex of the baby was going to be. That was the big discussion on the way up, so there was lots of excitement.”
A deadly revelation
Everyone went into the ultrasound room, eager to see the image of the fetus displayed on the screen. “All of a sudden the ultrasound tech had a very concerned look on her face,” Chad said. “She rushed our kids out of the room and then informed us there was a large mass on our baby.”
The ultrasound image showed what looked like a balloon growing out of Macie’s tailbone — except that it was full of blood vessels and was as big as the fetus itself. The tumor was noncancerous ... but still deadly.
“This tumor was gigantic,” Cass said. “It was the size of a grapefruit.”
The McCartneys’ obstetrician had never seen such a tumor in all her years of practice. After some research, she discovered that Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston — six hours away from the family’s Laredo home — was one of only three hospitals in the world that specialized in such conditions.

“This is incredibly rare. It’s about one in 40,000 births,” Cass said. “Many times, these tumors
Baby Macie’s ultrasound showed the tumor.
can grow and remain small and they don’t really affect the fetus very significantly. In Macie’s instance, this tumor grew incredibly rapidly … and basically it was stealing the blood that her body needed to grow. She would have died if nothing had been done.”
A fitting name
Keri and Chad went home with the desperate prognosis and decided they needed to name their infant right then.
“We both made a decision that we have a name for her, because we had been told that there was less than a 10 percent chance that she was going to make it,” Chad McCartney said, fighting back tears as he told the story. “We wanted to pick a name that would be appropriate, so we named her Macie Hope — because that was all we felt we had.”
They went to Houston for the surgery, which Cass described, with a surgeon’s understatement, as “tricky.”
“It required that Mrs. McCartney went under a very, very deep anesthesia, about seven times deeper than the average operation,” he said. “That’s necessary in order to have the uterus very, very relaxed.”
He and two other surgeons opened Keri’s abdomen and brought her uterus entirely outside her body. “We had to find an area of the uterus that we could open safely so that we didn’t disturb the placenta,” he explained.
When they found such a place, they opened the relaxed womb and extracted about 80 percent of Macie Hope’s body — which weighed no more than a quarter of a pound — leaving just the head and upper body in the womb. Exposing the fetus to the air carried the danger that she would go into cardiac arrest, and the surgeons worked quickly to remove the tumor and return Macie to the safety of the womb.
That part of the four-hour procedure took about 20 minutes. The surgeons then had to carefully close up the uterus so that it would be watertight, to keep the amniotic fluid from leaking out.
“Then we had to hope that the pregnancy was going to last,” Cass added.
Born again
That hope was also answered. Macie Hope didn’t make it the entire nine months, but, Cass said, “The pregnancy lasted another 10 weeks, which allowed Macie to recover from this tumor that had been killing her.”
On May 3, Macie Hope was born again, this time to stay. She and her mother have remained at Texas Medical Center since as they both fully recover from the miracle surgery. Macie still has a large scar on her backside, which surgeons say can be repaired when she gets older.
Keri and Chad McCartney were expecting to take their miracle baby home on Saturday, and they couldn’t have been happier.
“We are doing great,” Keri McCartney told Curry. “I am so excited to think that we’re leaving tomorrow.”
She cradled Macie Hope in her arms. The infant, sporting a thick head of hair, slept through it all, prompting her mother to say, “Obviously she is completely at peace and content with it all.”
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Thru a Dogs Eyes

My name is Muffy I'm a house pet, i have wonderful owners they treat me like I'm a human being. You don't find that everywhere ya know. Well I'm 1 year old and i like to go on lots of adventures. There was this one time when i was playing outside and my owners son Jorge came out and he's barley 1 year old to just like me. Well anyway he came out and started playing with his little lawnmower toy and i went up to him and licked his hand. He is only a few inches taller than me but i kind of scared him because he made a face of surprise but he got over it soon and he started playing with me.

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